11Keep realistic goals
It is very important in life to set goals but the goals should be realistic and achievable. If you set unrealistic goals, you will feel sad on not achieving them and it will further demoralize you. While on the other side, achieving realistic goals will boost your morale and you will be more confident and aggressive in completing your work.

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12Ask someone to keep on checking you
Self-monitoring is the best way to keep a track of your activities but sometimes when you feel that you may lose your focus, ask someone to come and check you at regular intervals. The person may be your near and dear one or a confidante from the office but make sure that he/she is responsible enough to keep a check on you.

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13Keep the toughest jobs for your best time
Whether you work best in the morning or in afternoon, this is the question you need to ask yourself and find out at which time you are the most productive. Keep that time for tackling the toughest jobs as it will increase the chances of getting those tasks completed.

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14Choose your self-talk properly
Talking to yourself is a good habit but you need to be careful about what you are talking. For example, if you keep on repeating that “I will not procrastinate” again and again, it may be harmful for you. This is because our mind tends to get attracted towards those things which you are telling it to avoid. Instead of negative talks, you should talk about your work in a positive manner.

15Repeat these steps to stay away from procrastination
To save yourself from getting into the habit of procrastination in the future, remember the above strategies and bring them to work in your daily routine. If you try to understand, you will see that procrastination is all about emotions; if you can control them effectively, you don’t procrastinate but if you can’t control them, they control you.

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