4 Knees facing each other while sitting
People who sit with their knees next to each other without crossing their legs are friendly, outgoing, and happy. They can be talkative, optimistic, and approachable as they are very sociable.

Img Src: work-fit.com
5 Placing your hands on the armrests
People who sit with their hands on the armrest are more sensitive. They are aware of where they are and what is happening around them. People hold the armrest because they want to feel safer and more comfortable. Such people are more grounded, stable, and dependable.

Img Src: leafclover.club
6 Leg Clamp
Sitting in the Figure Four Leg Position with your hands on your bent leg shows you are tough, stubborn, and competitive. You probably won't agree with anyone else's point of view. The hand clamp shows resistance to different points of view and discussion.

Img Src: istockphoto.com