Number 3: Sitting with your legs crossed
Key Characteristics: Artistic, creative, dreamer, imaginative, defensive or closed off.
Studies have shown that people who sit with their legs crossed often come up with the most out-of-the-box ideas. They think in very creative ways and are big dreamers. But they often get lost in their own train of thought when sitting with a group of people. Most of the time, they have a big personality.
However, sitting cross-legged can make you seem defensive or closed off. It could be that you are either afraid or trying to hide your worries. When you sit with your legs crossed during a conversation, it looks like you're not interested, especially if one of your feet is facing the door or away from the person you're talking to. Experts have noticed that people who sit with their legs crossed are more likely to reject ideas, speak less, or not pay attention in a business setting than people who sit with their legs open. Even worse, if you also cross your arms, it's clear that you don't want to be part of the conversation.

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Number 4: Sitting with your ankles crossed
Key Characteristics: Elegant, refined, royal, confident, ambitious, defensive, but down-to-earth.
Did you know that when the British Royal family sits, they often cross their ankles? Sitting with your ankles crossed, you live like a king or queen. You are classy, refined, and easygoing. You can look very sure of yourself and at ease in any situation. You rarely get upset, and you're okay with things going at their own speed. In fact, you can make everyone around you feel good about themselves. To reach your goals, you will work hard and never stop because you are confident in reaping the fruits of your labor.
You listen well and don't tell anyone's secrets. But you won't tell anyone your secrets or your next plan of action. You have a lot of pride and also care a lot about how you look most of the time. You would make sure your appearance was right for the situation. Experts in behavior and psychology have also found that sitting with your ankles crossed is sometimes a sign of defensiveness and insecurity. However, you are able to hide your worries or fears in a sophisticated way.

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Number 5: Sitting with a figure four leg lock
Key characteristics: Confident, dominant, secure, happy, youthful, competitive, and argumentative.
The Figure-Four leg lock is a way to sit that resembles the number 4 when your legs are crossed, and one foot is over the other knee. Sitting in the "figure-four leg lock" position shows that you are strong and sure of yourself. If you sit with your legs crossed in a figure four, you are more dominant, relaxed, confident, and youthful compared to people who sit in other ways. You feel safe and happy with who you are. Even if you feel like you don't have something, you will put your mind and energy into getting what you want.
Setting up your career and getting an education is important to you. You will always work harder to achieve your goals even when you don't feel like it. This doesn't mean you don't enjoy other parts of your life. Behavior experts have also noticed that people who sit in the figure four style tend to think that everything has its own time and place. They believe that God has a plan for everything. They also care a lot about how they look and like to dress well. They are argumentative or competitive and likely to disagree with anyone with a different point of view.

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