9Stimulate your child’s appetite
When a child has no appetite, don’t give them snacks in-between. Avoid giving a child food with artificial tasters and flavoring because once a child gets used to this, healthy foods will never be tasty. Keep them more active and give them fewer sweets. Activity will positively impact y9our child’s appetite.

Image Source: baomoi.zadn.vn
10Put your child to bed
Children usually have difficulty falling asleep once they develop the habit of crying themselves to sleep. Sleep becomes a type of punishment or they may regard sleep as something overtly importance a factor created by parents.

Image Source: brightside.me
11Here are some techniques developed by Anna to calm a child to sleep
Joint breathing. Place your hands on the child’s body and try to mimic their breathing. Then start breathing deeper, swing the child a bit and with slow deep breathing and flicking motions, the child may fall asleep faster.
Dull reading. When you read a book, insert phrases of relaxation and sleeping in the content for example “And then the bear said... I’ll sit on the stump... Eat my pie... Lie on the grass... Take a nap...” Read slowly and exhale deeply. Pause and make your breath smooth and gradual while slowing down the phase of your reading. The child will also start doing the same.

Image Source: cloudfront.net
12Get your child used to sleeping alone
Invent a symbol of calm sleep that can be a toy or some favorite object of your child which they can hug while sleeping. When you move to a new bed, do it together especially if the child is used to sleeping in the same bed as the parents. This helps the child get used to the new bed and will eventually get used to sleeping alone. To motivate your child to sleep improve the atmosphere of the room like attractive bed sheets, cute nightlight and a dream catcher.

Image Source: baomoi.zadn.vn