12Enter the neighbour’s driveway
You set out from home to the bus stop. The moment you lock the main door, you begin to think about your competitor at work and start planning to overshadow him in the coming meetings. You never realize when you’ve entered your neighbour’s driveway! You stand near their main door and regain senses. The wandering mind can be adventurous.

Image Source: www.pinimg.com
13Imagine the best or the worst
You are sitting in class and listening to a lecture when you find yourself looking outside the door, waiting for the bell the ring. There’s a football match you need to catch on TV. The bus that can take you home before the match begins, leaves in 15 minutes. You just have to watch that match. You begin to worry about the class not ending on time. You might miss the bus. But what if you are able to get on that bus? Caught in between these thoughts, you end up taking no notes and go back home to slog away after the match.

Image Source: www.heconversation.com
14Tend to overeat
It’s tea time and you have made yourself some extra snacks to go along with it. As you begin to pour the tea into the cup, you begin to think about the new pair of shoes you saw at the mall last week. You admire the make, the colour and can’t wait to buy it. It would look awesome on you. As you begin to plan on saving money, you don’t take notice of the fully empty plate of extra snacks and the empty teapot. It’s all resting on your tummy. Your wandering mind could not tell how many cookies you just ate and how many cups of tea you drank?

Image Source: www.india.com
15Answering wrong questions in class
There is a test next week, and the teacher is busy explaining the chapter to your class. It is a holiday tomorrow and your family is going on a road trip. You are excited and begin imagining what snacks you need to buy, clothes to pack etc. The teacher finds you smiling to yourself. You are asked a question and you answer something out of context and the class laughs at you. The wandering mind can land you in embarrassing situations. The wandering mind sure knows how to keep us busy. Just that, it can lead to serious goof-ups as well.

Image Source: www.whicdn.com
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