8You cannot talk
When the speed of your thoughts is faster than your mouth and you find yourself unable to form words, it is the doing of your wandering mind. You struggle to keep up with your thoughts and may miss some words in between while speaking. Many times, your mouth gets stuck unable to move.

Image Source: www.alessandravita.com
9Burn food
You’ve put the steak for roasting and suddenly begin to think about the nasty fight you and a close friend had in your childhood. You begin to lay each fact in your mind and argue your case as if it were taking place in the court. Suddenly you smell something burning and that breaks the spell. Congratulations, your dinner has just got ruined, thanks to your wandering mind.

Image Source: www.sndimg.com
10Minor Mishaps
You turn on the bathwater and go to fetch clean towels from the storeroom. The bucket is overflowing with hot water and you have not returned to turn off the tap. You are standing in the storeroom holding the velvety towel, lost in thoughts about your last holiday. You imagine the snow, the cottage, the fun and you are deeply engrossed. You return to find cold water running instead of hot water.

Image Source: www.itsadeliverything.com
11Doodle while studying
You are solving important math problems and suddenly begin to doodle out of the blue. You draw a heart and scribble lines around it, this takes you back to your nasty breakup and you’re now doodling vigorously. Quite some time goes by before you realize what you had been doing.

Image Source: www.deviantart.net