4You can’t sleep as your brain is overactive
You have been up the whole day and it’s 2 am now, but you find that you can’t sleep. Your brain, won’t shut up. You are thinking about what to wear for the party next weekend, whether the dog has been fed, would the neighbor have mowed his lawn today, why did the teacher punish your enemy and what not? And after all this you are obviously going to think about how little time you have, to sleep before waking up to another day’s challenges.

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5Repetitions while speaking
Sometimes while speaking with friends, you might get stuck, pause and ask them “where was I’’ or ‘’ what was I saying?’’ Suddenly you might not remember where you had paused and may end up repeating the whole sequence again and again. Your wandering mind makes sure you are busy elsewhere.

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6Catch yourself accidentally staring at people
When your mind has been wandering crazily off late, you can’t do much with your expressions either. There could be times when you catch yourself staring at people. Now, you were busy on another trip with your mind taking you places and you find you’ve been staring at that lovely brunette right across the room for like a whole ten minutes! When the spell breaks and you notice her staring back, it can get quite awkward for you to even begin to explain what went on at that time. The mind can act up sometimes beyond your expectations.

7You ask people to repeat themselves
You are in a meeting and are straining to listen to what the others are speaking. After a while you give up and ask if they could repeat that they had just said. This can happen a couple times more before people get it that you are out of focus. When the mind wanders you cannot fathom what the other person is saying, you can’t even hear sounds sometimes.

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