Becoming a parent indeed brings the moments of joy in your life but at the same time, it also defines the need for you to be more responsible and caring. Your duty towards the kid is not just about fulfilling their basic needs of food, shelter and hygiene but it also includes love and emotional support.
Early childhood experiences rapid changes in a kid’s brain; in fact the process known as myelination which is about forming of brain’s neurons is 80% completed by the age of four. The scientists also claim that 95% behavior of a human is guided by the human subconscious and this subconscious get developed during the first six years after birth.
Importance of brain development in childhood
It is implicit that brain development is necessary for a good adult life; however, brain can’t get developed properly if a child is not brought up, loved and nurtured well. There is a direct correlation between the brain development of a child and how his personality gets shaped, so do remember that your kid needs your time as well other than the facilities provided by you.
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What happens to those kids who don’t get proper attention and love?
Unfortunately, there are many kids in this world who don’t get required attention, love and support from their parents and hence their brains are not well developed, the result of which is clearly visible in their behavior as adults. Parents may not devote ample time to their kids for various reasons such as busy or hectic work schedules, troubled personal relations, etc.
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The kids who are deprived of love and affection tend to show these characteristics in their behavior as adults:
1Mental health issues
It has been seen that majority of the unloved kids suffer from a number of mental health issues. The two most common problems faced by such people are depression and anxiety and the chances of an adult suffering from these issues increase if he had been neglected during his childhood.
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2Trust issues
The sense of trust gets developed in kids only if they have enjoyed a stable relationship with their parents and people around them live in a peaceful and calm environment. The trust issues are experienced by those people who have seen instances in which a person gets betrayed or the relationships are flickering in nature.
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3Fear of getting failed
The kids who are brought up in a negative environment tend to suffer from the feeling of getting failed as they are not confident and have low self-esteem. They are afraid of taking initiatives and making decisions about their future as the fright of failure is instilled inside their hearts and they feel that they are made to be failed.
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