11We Hold Doors Open For Other People
You may have noticed yourself doing this but do we only do this as a result of what we were taught as children, to be polite? Or is there a scientific reason behind this as well? An article by Joseph Santamaria and David Rosenbaum showed that we hold doors open to minimize the collective efforts spent. When you hold a door open for someone, they don’t have to spend their energy. Similarly, later when someone opens a door for you, you don’t have to spend your energy.

12Men Do Not Ask For Directions
It’s not like men have an agenda with asking for directions but most men prefer not to. According to a survey conducted by TrekAce, only 6 per cent of the male respondents accepted that they would ask directions from a stranger if they were lost. The survey also revealed that n an average, men travel about 900 extra miles within 50 years of their lives because the refuse to ask for directions! According to Mark Goulston, men don’t ask for directions because they do not want to feel vulnerable, incompetent and humiliated.

Image Source: medium.com
13We Point Our Feet Toward The Person We Are Interested In
Joe Navarro M.A., in his book ’What Every BODY is Saying’, says it’s actually a survival instinct. When our feet are placed toward someone, it means that we are ready to move quickly if some threat shows up. We keep our legs crossed when we are alone and comfortable. We immediately uncross them if some strangers enter. When a person is bored or wants to leave, their feet will face the exit or towards someone else.

Image Source: www.quickim.co.il
14We Read Longer Lines Faster But Prefer Shorter Ones
Pick up any book or newspaper around you and see how the content has been written. It’s the age old short columns system and it is quite easy to read. Writing in this style allows for more content on the page as well as looking organized and classy. But did you know you could read that exact same content faster if it were in a single long line? Yes, the human brain is able to process words and sentences faster when written in a single long line.

Image Source: quoracdn.net