9When your leg falls asleep, shake your head
One of the most unpleasant feelings is when your arm or leg falls asleep because of lying awkwardly. The cramps literally feel like pins and needle poking you from the inside which is why they are called so. But the only thing to do is wait. Shaking your head during the condition will make your muscles relax and the poking sensation fades within a minute.

Image Source: baomoi.com
10Pinch your nose if you want to deceive a polygraph
Pinching the tip of your nose and closing it with your fingers helps a lot when your heart is beating fast or when you’re nervous. Once you do that, then closing your ears and exhaling sharply will change the pressure inside your ear. This can also be used during a polygraph test.

Image Source: pinimg.com
11When you have to go and there is no facility nearby
Sometimes abdominal pain or cramp may induce the feeling of needing to poo badly, but there is a way to divert your body’s attention from the pain. If you have a tab or a television nearby, just watch something interesting, you could also watch anything you find exceedingly interesting enough to shift the focus of your brain, (although a long video is the best choice) you’ll find the pain subsiding giving you enough time to move around and find a facility.

Image Source: amazonaws.com
The same applies to pains from anxiety or stress
It is also a known fact that psychological stress or anxiety triggered by a certain situation can cause your stomach to pain. The same method can apply here where you need to divert your thought process and bodily focus to something else. The trick is to get your mind to fight pain.

Image Source: www.scienceabc.com
12How to deceive your brain and see the world around you as if you entered a parallel universe
Tune your radio to hear “white noise”. This is the fuzzy static sound you hear when there is no reception
Now cut a ping pong ball in two halves and using adhesive tape, stick them to your eyes. Now lie down beside the radio and within 20 minutes you will experience what is known as the Ganzfeld effect.

What is the Ganzfeld Effect?
Sounds and light are interpreted by the brain in a new way creating hallucinations and unusual effects. This is an incredible phenomenon of reality perception that has been widely known although scientists started acknowledging it and researching it only in the 20th century.