16Just Standing
There are two things Morris-Cafiero values while creating her work and they are "performing for the camera and pushing society to question their position". Since she went viral she had to deal with numerous hate mail and criticism. “Bullies like to delete comments and profiles when they are put in the hot seat. Instead, use your creativity to develop a response that sticks.”

Image Source: www.thesun.co.uk
17Again, Just Standing
In today’s age of the internet it has become really hard trying to fix it. Anyone who puts themselves out there on the internet is like a lamb to slaughter. No doubt they will have supporters and people who admire what the person is saying but there will also be haters and trolls waiting for a new target to destroy.

Image Source: woman.ru
18In the Middle of the Busy Street
“For each of the people who wrote me nice, supportive messages, I try to take the time and email them a nice note back. For the mean ones? I open a Google search and start researching their public profile.” She said about her supporters.

19Taking a Photo
“If I responded to them in text form, my message would be deleted or fuel their hatefulness, but my research has found that an image cannot really disappear from the internet. So my new project is going to be about responding to the online bullies using my body. It takes on a form that they are not expecting because of their assumptions about the internet and the way it works.” She said on dealing with negative people towards her work.

20 Not Even Facing the Public
I am going to use the same worldwide audience who used “Wait Watchers” in the past to spread these new images all over the internet.” She said in a recent interview. Whether you agree or not, whether you think this is all just a publicity stunt or the images are staged. You have to agree this opened a whole new window on what happens around us when we’re not looking.

Image Source: sohucs.com