It is a common practice for psychologists and psychiatrists to use what is termed projective tests for evaluation of a person’s state of mind. In order to derive at a conclusion, ambiguous photographs and pictures are then used by showing them to people and then interpreting their answers according to the tenets of psychology.
1What are projective tests?
In psychology, a projective test examination uses ambiguous stimuli such as inkblots as in the Rorschach test or enigmatic pictures such as the Thematic Aptitude test that evokes a response which reveals the personality of a subject through a projection of traits, behavioral patterns on external stimuli and internal attitudes. Here are two tests just for you to find what’s on your mind and your psychological deviation.
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2The first test
Take a look at this picture but do it for not more than 10 seconds. When you finish refer what you see to the interpretations given below.
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3If you saw a cave
If you saw a cave, it means you are well balanced and not easy to throw off. You have a calm composure and a positive personality that sees the good side of everything in life. You possess inner strength, are extremely optimistic and don’t exactly face pressure from negative situations and problems. You are the kind of person people look up to for advice. You are the one who loved ones look to for support and your positive energy influences them too.
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