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16 Cold Illustrations That Describe The Sad Reality of The Existing Society

By Nenad Dojcinovski, 11 June 2018


13It’s in their nature


Kim Kardashian wouldn’t have such a huge behind if people didn’t like it. Or to be specific if men didn’t like it. We’re not sure why, but most men are so attracted to bottoms. The only reasonable explanation is nature.

It’s in their nature

Image Source: zabaka.ru

14The harsh reality


The illustration above is as extreme as it gets. But just think about, how can you make 50k per year while the CEO makes 10 million per year? Is he or she that much better than us? Or are we all living in an extremely twisted and far from fair reality?

The harsh reality

Image Source: i0.wp.com

15The IKEA help


It’s all about guilt these days and it’s sad. People help each other out of guilt these days and that’s not true help. We’re all living in an extremely competitive society and that’s just how things are. But helping someone out of your heart is only going to make a better person.

The IKEA help

Image Source: scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com

16The YouTube showing off trend


You’ve probably seen one of those videos where a famous YouTube vlogger gives $100 to a homeless guy while filming the whole thing. The video gets millions of views and the YouTube creator makes thousands of dollars. We don’t want to judge here…but this doesn’t sound right at all.

The YouTube showing off trend

Image Source: wroops.com

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