6 Alice in Wonderland syndrome
Although funny in name, this condition can cause some serious distress. If people suffer from this syndrome, they see the distortions in the size of various objects. So they can easily see the car being the same size as the cat or the other way around.
The reasons for this vary. The hallucinations this syndrome is causing might derive from anything, from the mild migraines to the serious abuse of drugs.

Image Source: www.medicalbag.com
7 Boanthropy Syndrome
This condition causes people to suddenly start behaving like a cow or an ox. And they will certainly believe it because they have no problem getting down to the ground and behave like these animals - eating all the grass that stand in their way.
Interestingly enough Boanthropy dates back to the ancient times. According to the book of Daniel, it was Neo-Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar who was driven from men and did eat grass as an ox.

Image Source: www.doktorumnedio.com
8 Aboulomania Syndrome
At first sight, there seems to be nothing wrong with sufferers of aboulomania. But when they are facing simple life choices, they are unable to make any decision because of the growing anxiety in their bodies.
Aboulomania or as psychologists like to call it, a paralysis of the will, derives from the constant need of people who suffer from it to be 100% certain in their decisions. That’s why they become paralyzed when facing more than one choice.

Image Source: www.lolwot.com