5 Silence can be engaging
If there is someone whom you’d like to get along with, then during any brief moment of silence, ask them to tell you something about themselves, they may ask something back which will then turn the silence into a conversation. It’s a matter of you breaking the ice.

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6 Confidence attracts people
Among psychological tricks, once you finish negotiations, just look the other person in the eye and be silent. That look of determination, impacts another in a positive manner and they will reflect on what you said. Losing eye contact after such intense moments will result in them losing interest after a brief while.

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7 Make them feel big
You should make a person feel important if you need help. When you present a favour, then people tend to be more responsive towards you and the boost in their ego works in your favour instead. The ego boos set in and makes them feel like a magic genie granting their wishes. Use simple phrases like “please do me a favour” or “ I need your help”
We may all be unique in our own special ways but what everyone has in common is human nature and that allows us to create special relationships and forge friendships and bonds with others. It helps us to relate to other people and more importantly, it helps us devise ways to understand how someone else thinks or their pattern of thinking. Taking advantage of such things, it becomes possible to try and figure out what someone is thinking to be able to influence or impact their decisions or change the way they may think and act with us. Such hacks can also be used to gain an advantage over a situation and influence another to think in terms of what is beneficial for you. Here are 10 such helpful psychological tricks that can affect everyone.

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