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15 Dumb Jobs In The World That Would Make You Love Your Own Job

By KK Angus, 29 May 2018


6Animal Sperm collector


Often referred to as animal masturbator this job is nothing like you're imagining. People are often employed to collect animal sperm for research purposes. This involves examination of animal genitalia. Hundreds of people around the world are employed in this jobs and it's albeit an important task. But one can't say it's the ideal option for anybody looking to get employed.

Animal Sperm collector

Image Source: pumpdown.com

7The embalmer


You probably know what they do already. They deal with corpses and they have a whole lot of stuff to deal with. For instance, they have to arrange and fix the hair and makeup of the dead bodies so that they are fit for public viewing. They are responsible of draining the corpse of bodily fluids and set up the corpses with preservatives which will keep the body fresh.

The embalmer

Image Source: pumpdown.com

8Crocodile trainer


We think we found the worst job of the lot. Crocodile trainers do exactly what you think they do. Their job is to risk their lives and make crocodiles listen to their instructions, so essentially they have to make untrained crocodiles behave themselves. Which means most of the times no one has trained the crocodile before them and they just might have been brought in from the wild. And the job is not even well-paid. There are crocodile trainers in Asia who only get around four pounds for their jobs.

Crocodile trainer

Image Source: pumpdown.com

9Crime scene cleaners


Ever thought about how sensitive their jobs are, as they are responsible to keep the crime scene uncorrupted? They are responsible for actually recording the details and then clean them up. They have to clean up a number of things, whatever is involved in the crime scene from blood to bodily fluids. They also have to keep and eye out for anything unusual they find as it would help with the investigation.

Crime scene cleaners

Image Source: www.wxwenku.com

10Roadkill remover


This is not something you’d want to do, if you’re an animal-lover. Locating and removing animal corpses cannot be healthy for you. There are some people whose jobs are to actually go looking for roadkills around the city. They also discover smashed animal corpses and remove them and dispose of them, and it’s pretty depressing for a job option.

Roadkill remover

Image Source: pumpdown.com

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