The customary breaking of nibs by judges after awarding the death sentence has been observed in Hindi movies. Many have been intrigued by this strange ritual of the judges. Did you know that this practice has been going on since the British rule in India? We bring you some reasons that support this ritual.
1It is not easy to decide and award a death sentence
After the dreaded punishment has been awarded, a lot of thoughts travel in the minds of the people present in the court that may reach the judge. He has to take this decision keeping in mind various other factors such as the family of the offender, financial conditions, health issues etc. There would be people that are ready to prove this decision to be a wrong one and may decide to knock on the doors of the next court. There is also a possibility of rehabilitation and family and friends might object to this decision of the judge.

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2The Pen is Not to be used again
The death sentence is the toughest one to write and the pen that signs that order loses the right to be used again in another order. This could also have a psychological touch as the extreme punishment carries with it pangs of sadness and blood that makes it heavy to retain after signing the death order.By breaking the nib, the judge makes the pen useless for further use.

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