•61. Men that offer commitment are sought after by women.
•62.Men that invite friends over after consulting the woman are liked more.
•63. Women like men that protect them.
The above are some traits that most women look at but there some others that look for men with distorted behavior and anti-social traits.
•64. There are women that are attracted to men that are chain smokers, drug addicts, and alcoholics as she may have the urge to rescue them from this hell.
•65. Some women may be attracted to men that abuse women. This could be in the form of hitting, insulting, humiliating etc. Maybe she grew up seeing someone in her family with these traits and identifies herself with it.
•66. Men that steal, break the law tend to attract women that see such men as heroes. They may feel safe with such men.
•67. Men that resort to lying and cheating turn on some women. This could be due to the thrill factor or maybe it reflects similar traits.
Men and women are attracted to each other for different reasons. What makes it interesting is the knowledge about the traits that play the role of a catalyst in attraction.

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