•31. Women love men with a strong physique. Men that workout regularly and sport the biceps and triceps tend to make the women go weak in their knees. Added to that, is the thought of flaunting him around increases the attraction.
•32. Women are attracted to men with a neat haircut. Some prefer the crewcut, while some others may be attracted to long and neatly braided hair.
•33. Women like men that are well groomed. Those that smell good, are clean and tidy etc.
•34. Men with positive body language tend to attract women. Folding arms, leaning forward while listening, smiling, nodding and maintaining eye contact are some such qualities that women like in a man.

Image Source: www.businessinsider.com
•35. Women like men that are generous in showing their care, opening doors, pulling out chairs, carrying their bags after shopping, offering them the menu first while ordering food etc. Such acts make them feel important.
•36. Women are attracted to confident men that know their minds. The way a man carries himself speaks a lot about him.
•37. Women like men that listen to long conversations. There is nothing more appealing than a man that listens to a woman’s chatter and possibly joins the conversation as well.
• 38.Women like men in power or of a certain status. Designation at work and financial position also matter a lot.
•39. Women like men that appreciate them for their help/contribution.
•40. Some women like men that have fancy cars and nice homes.

Image Source: www.ozy.com