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16 Things That Are Common In South Korea But Strange For Rest Of The World

By Nitin Bhatnagar, 6 May 2018


13Use toilet paper as napkin also


South Koreans use toilet paper not just in toilet but also on the table where they have coffee and snacks. They do this because they have a habit of using toilet paper as napkins. 

toilet paper

Image Source: www.guthealthnews.org

14Meet friends at convenience stores


Usually if you want to meet your friends, you organize a get together at a pub or restaurant but in South Korea, people meet their friends at convenience stores. The reasons are that convenience stores are available in good numbers and provide alcohol at cheap rates. Additionally, they provide you with chairs and table to sit and drink with your friends. Isn’t it amazing? 

convenience stores

Image Source: www.vice.com

15Love Motels of South Korea


South Korea is a very crowded place and it’s highly difficult for couples to find a secluded place to spend some quality time together. These love motels come to the rescue of lovers and here they can enjoy their private moment without any disturbance. 

Love Motels of South Korea

Image Source: www.pastemagazine.com

16Many public toilets but no trash bins


South Koreans are very hygienic people and they don’t make their environment dirty so you won’t find any trash bin easily there; however, there’s no shortage of public toilets and they can be found in every park as well as subway station. There are separate cabins for differently-abled people while tables are kept in women’s toilet to make it easier for them to change napkins.

Many public toilets but no trash bins

Image Source: brightside.me

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