5Very concerned about the blood groups
Everybody should know his/her blood group as this knowledge can be helpful in an emergency situation but South Koreans are very concerned about the blood groups. Blood groups are used to know the personality of a person in the same manner as in other countries, zodiac signs are used. Blood group is taken into consideration for making important decisions, such as whom to date, whom to marry, etc. .

Image Source: www.femexer.org
6Age calculation method is unique
Almost in every part of the world, a kid turns one when he/she completes a year after birth but in South Korea, a kid turns one just after the birth. One year is again added to the age when the New Year starts on 1st January. For example, if a kid took birth on 5th December 2017, his age is 1 year and on 1st January 2018, his age will be increased to 2 years. Strange, isn’t it?

7Electric fans might take life
South Koreans believe that if a person sleeps with an electric fan on the whole night, he/she will pass away. It is an urban legend in South Korea and even though attempts have been made by media and government to make people understand that it is just a myth, many people still believe it to be true.

Image Source: theatlantic.com
8Uniforms for Kindergarten kids
The Kindergarten schools have fixed dresses of certain color and pattern for their students so that they can be differentiated from students of other schools.

Image Source: www.oneikathetraveller.com