How lucky do you feel today? No matter what Google tells you, you can never really know if you’re going to win a lottery or discover something. But throughout history, accidental luck has given way to scientific discoveries, to life-changing cures, to reversal of fortunes. Here are some people who just got lucky.

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1Little Leo who cured diabetes
You might know insulin as the most viable cure for diabetes, but decades ago, people had no sure-fire way of treating the ailment. In 1922, little Leonard Thompson was suffering from diabetes in Toronto and was moving closer to death every day. Doctors took a massive risk and injected him with an experimental drug, which had never been used on humans before. It was of course, insulin. The treatment did not just cure his diabetes, but his name went on to become synonymous with the most important medical discovery.

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2Johnny Depp
Did you know Hollywood star Johnny Depp never really wanted to be an actor. But meeting one guy changed his life. He moved to LA with his wife to pursue music seriously - and met Ghostrider star Nicholas Cage. Back in the late ‘80s, Cage was a huge name. He introduced Depp to some people, and even after getting offers, Depp only accepted them so he could make money to play his music to more people. And today, Depp is one of the most successful names in Hollywood, and Cage’s fame has waned substantially.

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3Ludger Sylbaris
The only man to have survived the volcanic eruption of Mt. Pelée on the island of Martinique in 1902 was Ludger. He made out of a disaster which flattened his entire city and killed 40,000 people because he was punished with solitary confinement after he public brawling.

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4Harrison Ford
Did you know the Indiana Jones star only became an actor by accident? In fact, he got the role of Star Wars lead Han Solo only because he was a carpenter who was installing cabinets at George Lucas’s home. Lucas was the creator of the Star Wars franchise and gave Ford both of his most iconic roles - Han Solo and Indiana Jones.

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