7Water has a color, it isn’t transparent
We use to believe that water is transparent and clear, but the truth is that oceans and seas appear blue because it reflects the color of the sky. The truth be told, water is actually blue in color. If you look through the thick ice of a frozen cold waterfall or a pit of snow, a very light shade of blue is present at the bottom and inner layers.
A vast role is still played by the sky reflecting its color on the ocean water but there is also some light that appears from the bottom of the ocean. Ocean, seas and other large water reservoirs contain some seaweeds or plants that remain at the bottom and have tendencies of scattering and reflecting photons of light in the ocean. Thus we notice watercolors of different shades.

Image Source: www.blueoceanstrategy.com
8Oxygen isn’t the most common substance in the world
Oxygen is a gas present in the atmosphere so we think it’s the most common substance in the world but we’re wrong. The most common substance is calcium titanium oxide, a mineral present in calcium titanate also known as perovskite. It makes up almost half of our Earth’s mass. According to the theories of some scientists, the mantle of the earth comprises of mostly perovskite, but it still has to be proved. This substance is a good conductor of electricity as it conducts electricity in normal temperature conditions without providing any resistance. It can also lead to a gateway for the future of Floating trains.

Image Source: viettimes.vn
9The common cold isn’t really common
The so-called common cold has always been regarded as the most common disease but actually, Depression is the most common disease. A prediction was made 10 years ago that depression would become widespread by 2020 but, it has spread at an even faster rate.
People usually go to doctors for even matters like a common cold, but the majority quits treating their mental conditions for as long as possible. We usually think that our sadness should never be revealed to anyone and be kept hidden deep within us but actually, the majority of us are suffering from depression. We feel embarrassed thinking about the fact that we are depressed while others are not.

Image Source: modernitta.com
10 Swallowed chewing gum will not stay in your stomach for 7 years
Remember what your grandma would tell you that chewing gum if swallowed would stick to the walls of our stomach and stay there for 7 years. But, it was all a myth. The truth is chewing gum is digested just like when we eat a chocolate pastry or partially cooked meat. Our stomachs walls secrete enzymes, gastric juices, etc. to digest everything in our stomach and even gum. The composition of gum doesn’t breakdown so easily, so it enters the large intestine along with other un-digestible products and is excreted.

Image Source: viettimes.vn