6Airing out your bedroom
Sure, airing out your bedroom always seems like a cool idea, but there is a reason why you should do it at night. The thing is that our bodies contain two kinds of fat. There is white fat, the unpleasant one, which tend to appear where we the least want it to. Brown fat, on the other hand, behaves like an energy source. On top of that, brown fat is also involved in the body's thermoregulation. With that said, now you are probably wondering what in the world does this have to do with airing out your bedroom?
The answer is however simple, and it has everything to do with white fat transforming into brown fat when the room is colder. But worry not, as you don't have to freeze at night, far from that. You just need to open a window before going to bed to let the cool air in and transform your annoying white fat into brown fat, something that is actually good for your body.

Image Source: files.brightside.me
7Taking hot shower or bath
If you are like most people, then you probably feel sleepy after a hot shower in the morning. That's because it evokes the impulse that makes us fall asleep faster. And that is also why you should be taking hot showers, or hot baths for that matter, before bed.

Image Source: files.brightside.me
8Reading something you need to remember
Not only will the reading help you get rid of the anxious thoughts, but it will also help you to remember things better. After all, that's exactly the reason why many students study at night. Using laptops or smartphones, on the other hand, will do just the opposite, and you will have a hard time getting good sleep at night, let alone remember something important.

Image Source: files.brightside.me
9Eating a kiwi
According to studies, eating two kiwis for a month one hour before bed could help you a great deal with your sleep problems as it will help you fall asleep faster, not to mention that you will sleep more soundly. The reason for this lies in the fact that kiwi contains vitamins E and C that regulate serotonin production. What you shouldn't do, on the other hand, is to eat lemons, as they will give your body energy and you won't be able to sleep well as a result.

Image Source: files.brightside.me
10Drinking a glass of cherry juice
According to a new study conducted by researchers from Lousiana State University, two glasses of this drink helps you sleep 90 more minutes a night. That is because of the proanthocyanidins, ruby red pigments present in cherries and that are responsible for tryptophan production.

Image Source: baomoi.com