When their children become teenagers, the task of parents becomes more difficult and complex. They must accept the fact that they will be upset and criticized by their own children. Parents also have to deal with teenagers who are clamouring for autonomy, sometimes before they are mature enough. As a result, many fathers and mothers would like to have better relationships with their teenagers. Here are some tips for achieving this goal:
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1Listen carefully
Your teen needs you to listen to his stories, concerns, complaints, aspirations, etc. Let him speak to the end, without cutting him even if you are annoyed or even totally disagree with what he is saying.
Image Source: www.drugfreekidscanada.org
2Be open to questions
Your teen needs answers. By clearly mentioning that you are ready to answer his questions, you open a door that will secure him in his relationship with you. And not to be surprised by a difficult problem, think ahead of the topics they might want to address, for example: dating, first physical relation, alcohol, curriculum.
Image Source: www.parentscountdowntocollegecoach.com
3Demonstrate your unconditional love
Although they are no longer children, adolescents need to feel loved by their parents. So, one of the best things you can do to help your teenager is to show him through your actions and words that your love is unconditional. Even if your young person seems indifferent, know that he appreciates your demonstrations of affection. One of the thing he needs to know is that you like him when he's doing silly things when you disagree and even when he's sassy.
It should be noted that your demonstrations of affection must be made out of sight of his friends. This is very important because otherwise he might feel humiliated. Moreover, a parent's love for his teen does not mean that everything is allowed. On the contrary, a good way of loving one's child involves imposing reasonable limits and adjusting them to different circumstances.
Image Source: simplemarriage.net