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12 Pregnancy Myths Shattered By Science; Yeah, You Can Eat Chocolates Now!

By Meera Kaushal, 1 March 2018


PREGNANCY MYTHS! Don’t these words just make your minds go bonkers, especially if you are pregnant? Having a baby is one of the most miraculous things in this world and when we get to hear some of these pregnancy myths, we get so confused about the entire process that stress comes uninvited. In the earlier days, women used to give birth to babies mostly just with the help of a few people from their community and this lead to certain “folk-wisdom” surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. In this day and age, science has made certain things easier for women, but some mothers still get to hear myths that make things difficult for them. But today, we are here to shatter some of those very pregnancy myths.

1One of the weirdest pregnancy myths is that people can determine the gender of the baby by looking at the shape of the belly


Some people claim that they can determine the gender of the baby by looking at the shape of the belly, but all this is false. In reality, the gender cannot be determined by the shape of the belly. The shape differs in women due to the different sizes of the babies in their wombs and the positioning of the fetus.

babies in their wombs

Image Source: mdpcdn.com

2One cannot run during pregnancy


If a woman has been a runner all her life before her pregnancy, then there is nothing to be scared of, unless of course, the pregnancy has no other complications of any sorts. Problems may arise if a woman actually has no experience of running. So, it is always better to consult your doctor before you put on those running shoes.

pregnancy myth

Image Source: .netdna-ssl.com

3Going through too many ultrasounds is harmful for the baby


Ultrasounds do not rely on radiation, but on high-frequency sound waves to see the development of the fetus. There has not been a scientific proof till now, which can say that too many ultrasounds are bad for the baby.

baby in the womb scan

Image Source: www.babyq.com

4Morning Sickness happens only in the morning


Even though the name of this symptom is ‘morning sickness’, the truth is that it can occur at any time of the day or night. One of the pregnancy myths surrounding morning sickness is that it only lasts until the first trimester. This again is not true; it can continue till the later stages as well in some cases.

Morning Sickness

Image Source: www.newkidscenter.com

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