Katelyn still combs Locklan’s hair and still thinks he’s as cute as ever
His mother still manages to comb her son’s hair but not too often, despite Locklan’s syndrome, but most of the time, she just lets it remain the way it is. The perks of having it puffing out in all directions is that it is low-maintenance and adorable so that it won’t get in the way of their daily activities. Moreover, it’s okay if his hair stands on end and because it’s so delicate, they don’t want to comb it.
Locklin’s mother explains, “It can get matted easily. It is very fragile. … It can get tangled, and I do have to be careful. That would be an example of a time I actually would wash it because I very rarely wash his hair. Just doesn’t need to be, it doesn’t really get greasy.”

Img Src: mirror.co.uk
Samples decided to begin raising awareness through social media. There are currently 22.4K followers on Locklan’s Instagram page
To help raise awareness about UHS, Samples began posting Locklan’s story on social media, where she has been able to connect with others who have been affected by this same condition. Samples first resorted to Instagram to post images of her son’s happy face, but she also wanted to be a resource for others with uncombable hair syndrome.
She says- “We were like: ‘Let’s share him, let’s share his story, and kind of be a resource for other parents that might find themselves in the same boat that my husband and I were in. Because there’s just not a lot of information out there.”

Img Src: api.news
Locklin’s Instagram page @uncombable locks has gone from 3,000 to over 17,000 followers in a couple of weeks
Besides learning about uncombable hair syndrome on his Instagram page, Locklan’s fans can’t help but be attracted to his adorableness. They simply can’t get enough of his cute smiles and fuzzy hairdo that resembles a dandelion or a baby chick. People always want to touch Locklan’s hair when they see him outside, and as long as they ask politely, he doesn’t mind.

Img Src: abcnews.com