Did you know that the world’s most expensive coffee comes from cat poop?? Well, we aren’t speaking about your regular cat here but a little beast called the Kopi Luwak or a palm civet. The Kopi Luwak is a species of civet cat native to Indonesia who poops out digested cherries which happens to be its favorite food. This cherry poop is then harvested and turned into coffee also known as Kopi Luwak coffee, the most expensive coffee in the world.
1Also called cat poop coffee
Kopi Luwak coffee is also called cat poop coffee and cost near about 60$ for a cup or almost $700 to a $1500 for a kg. Consider that with an ordinary brand of coffee that cost about 20$ -$30 a kg. The biggest factor of cat poop or Kopi Luwak coffee is the unusual method of production which doesn’t exactly yield loads of coffee easily. Farmers need to wait till the little beast shits the cherries out, only then can it be certified as 100% pure Kopi Luwak coffee. But are you really getting 100% pure Kopi Luwak today? Read on to find out the shocking twist in the tale.

Image Source: guim.co.uk
2How Kopi Luwak came into being
The coffea is a plant native to Africa and parts of Asia like Indonesia. It was introduced during the days of the Dutch Colonies of the East Indies islands of Java and Sumatra. At the time even the Arabica coffee from Yemen was brought to Sumatra by the Dutch who established coffee plantations in their colonies. The locals working on such plantations were not allowed to taste this new delicious brew that was called KOPI (coffee) in the area. But this is what they found to their amazement.

Image Source: wikimedia.org
3The civet would wander at night eating coffee cherries
The workers on the plantation discovered that the local Asian civet a little black beast would wander into the plantations at night to eat the coffee cherries growing on the trees. The seeds of the coffee fruits were regularly found in their poop droppings as those were not digested by them. The workers then hit upon the idea of collecting the seeds from the pop to make coffee themselves. It turned out even more exotic, flavorful than the regular coffee being harvested by their Dutch masters. This is how Kopi Luwak came into being.

Image Source: telegraph.co.uk