11Wake up your sleeping arm or leg
This is a situation which must have been faced by each of us. If the arm has fallen asleep, move your head from one side to another side. It will increase the sensation in the hand while if the leg has gone to sleep, walking slowly is the best option to wake it. So you know now what to do when your limbs go to sleep.

Image Source: www.slate.com
12This is how to deal with brain freeze
Brain freeze happens when a person eats ice cream too fast and it causes a headache. The nerves which are in the roof of the mouth get very cold and body feels that the brain is freezing so it starts overheating and the person suffers severe headache. To counter this situation, a person needs to press his tongue on the roof of his mouth and more the pressure exerted on the roof of the mouth by the tongue; more are the chances of a headache going sooner.

Image Source: financialtribune.com
13Feeling sleepy at the wrong time
Sometimes it happens that you feel sleepy at the workplace or in the classroom which doesn’t seems appropriate and you can land in a bit of trouble if your boss or teacher notices it. So to get rid of this sleepiness, hold your breath for as long as you can and release it, it will increase your heart rate resulting in waking you up.

Image Source: www.thehealthsite.com
14How to stop yawning
Just like hiccups, yawns can also trouble us a lot as they come in quick successions and make us feel embarrassed if we are in a workplace, class or with other people. To stop yawning, you can have a cold drink or cold water as cooling down the body suppresses the yawn. However, we don’t recommend soda and other carbonated drinks as they can cause gas and other stomach problems, so cold water it the best option.

Image Source: cloudfront.net
15Video games are not a waste of time
Usually, we have heard that playing video games is a waste of time but as per a research, video games improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, memory, a field of vision, fine motor skills, etc. So happy gaming, fellow gamers but make sure that you don’t spend all the time in gaming, play only for a reasonable time as excess of everything is harmful.

Image Source: www.medicalnewsbulletin.com
Do let us know how you found these body hacks!
16Cut out the unnecessary noises
Have you ever felt that you are not able to listen properly the person with whom you are talking to because of the other noises that are unnecessary for you? We are going to tell you a superb hack which will enable you to listen to that person more clearly. What you need to do is press down the tragus (the ear flap); this way you will be able to cut out the unnecessary noises and hear more clearly what the other person wants to convey.