6Getting relief from migraine
Migraine is a severe headache which mostly happens with sensitivity to sound, smell or light. One easy way of getting rid of migraine is putting hands in ice water completely submerged for a long duration. While keeping hands in ice water, also flex them regularly in order to get rid of migraine.

Image Source: www.finchannel.com
7Read speech at night to remember it
You need to give a speech at an event but you are facing problem in remembering it, there is no need to get tensed as by following a simple hack you can remember the whole speech. Read the speech in the night before you go to bed and you will notice in the morning that you have remembered the speech.

Image Source: eikaiwa.dmm.com
8How to stop yourself from laughing unnecessarily
Laughing is good for a person’s health, but there are moments when you start laughing at a wrong time and it seems absolutely inappropriate. What is more embarrassing it that how much you try, you can’t stop yourself from laughing. At this moment, pinch yourself to stop from laughing. This is a pretty effective technique so next time, pinch yourself if you start laughing at a wrong place, wrong time.

Image Source: pulmonaryhypertensionnews.com
9Are you afraid of syringe, try this technique
Many people are afraid of syringe and the pain that it inflicts but it is something that a person can’t avoid. The pain of getting an injection can be avoided if the person coughs while being injected. The pressure in the chest and spinal canal increases as the person coughs which in turn stops the pain receptors in the spinal cord from receiving the pain and the person doesn’t feel when the injection pierced into his body.

Image Source: radioinconfidenciaam.com.br
10When in bad mood, hold a pencil between your teeth
As per a research, if you are in a bad mood and feeling sad, a fake smile on your face can also lift your mood. So next time, when you feel awful just hold a pencil between your teeth, it will bring your muscles into the same position as they are while you laugh. It will put the happy hormones to work and your mood will get lifted.

Image Source: aaj.tv