Every individual should be acquainted with first aid techniques as it could save a life one day. In most cases, that life could turn out to be your own. Learning the basic techniques of first aid that and make you act quick and instantaneous in a critical situation could help you survive or avert a serious fatal situation. Here are 17 life saving techniques that are easy to learn.
1 What to do if you are choking
The most important thing in such a situation is not to panic as it could make the situation worse. First, you should try and make yourself cough as heavily as possible. By coughing heavily the object stuck in your throat could be dispelled out but if this does not work try the next step.

Image Source: www.newhealthadvisor.com
The next alternative to choking
Aiming for the area between the belly button and ribs, either press your fist into it sharply or hit yourself in this spot. While hitting also perform an up and down J-movement. You can also exert inward and upward pressure which is similar to the Heimlich maneuver. If you are still choking, lean forward against a chair or any furniture at waist level. Press yourself against it with your hands held in front of you. Repeat this till the object is expelled.

The last resort and alternative
Remember these maneuvers are only when there is no immediate help and even if they hurt you, they will save your life. If you do have help, signal a person to perform the Heimlich maneuver on you. The last option is to get on your elbows or palms and knees on the floor. Now instantly throw your arms forward and fall flat on your chest and stomach. This may hurt but it could very well do the trick and expel the foreign object.

2Telling time using the sun
If you are out camping and have broken our watch, then you don’t need to worry as you can tell the time during day using the sun. Look for a place where the sun and horizon are visible. Keep your hand together as depicted in the picture. Hold your hands still and count how many fingers to would take starting from the horizon to the point of the sun. Every finger will equal 15 minutes before sunset so you will have to multiply the numbers of fingers you counted by 15 and that will reveal the approximate time.

Image Source: baomoi.com
3How to tell when a big thunderstorm is approaching
If you feel that there may be an impending thunderstorm, you just need to look for these following signs In an approaching thunderstorm, cumulus type fluffy clouds will gather instead of flat ones. The clouds will also be lower than usual and dark brown or dark grey in color. Black clouds mean heavy rain along with the thunderstorm but without wind. Brown or dark brown clouds will signify rain with heavy wind. If the clouds disperse, it means no rain.

4When your brakes fail
If you suddenly find your brakes don’t work, don’t panic or open the door and jump out. Make your passengers if any to fasten their seatbelts and turn on your emergency lights. Then using your long range lights and a car horn, alert other drivers who will know what’s happening. Repeatedly press the brake pedal with abrupt and strong moves. If yours is a mechanical gearbox, press the clutch pedal. If it is an automatic gearbox, then the gearshift should be placed in the “L’ position. Use the manual brake carefully because by using it suddenly, the car may end up drifting. Also, keep trying to turn right and left going from one row to another.

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