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20 Interesting Facts About Israel That Make It A Fascinating Country

By Nitin Bhatnagar, 22 May 2018


16Motorola cell phone


Motorola developed its cell phone in its largest R and D center in Israel. The Israeli engineers developed the original cell-technology and most of the technology that is being used in our phones has its origin in Israeli engineering. So, even if you are not a Motorola user, you need to be thankful to Motorola.

Motorola cell phone

Image Source: shopify.com


17Highest concentration of hi-tech companies


There are more than 3000 hi-tech companies and start-ups in Israel which implies that it has the highest concentration of such companies in the world. This high number of companies makes it clear that Israelis have pretty good business acumen and they are constantly working towards the development of their country. 

Hi-tech companies

Image Source: nocamels.com


18Highest number of translated books


The highest number of books translated from other languages is published in Israel. It clearly shows that people of the country are very much interested in acquiring knowledge from as many sources as possible. This simply makes it clear that Israel is always open to new knowledge from different cultures and backgrounds.

Highest number of translated books

Image Source: www.myjewishlearning.com


19Compulsory military service for women


Israel is the only country in the world which has made military service compulsory for women. The Israeli women serve in the military for little less than 2 years. The military service is compulsory but there are exemptions for a married woman, woman with kids, physically disabled, mentally weak, religious men and women. 

Compulsory military service for women

Image Source: .buzzfeed.com


20Emphasis on outdoor activities


A lot of emphasis is given to the outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. Annual hiking trips are organized by Israeli schools and youth clubs all over the country in order to make sure that their kids start loving such activities from the very early and it will also help them in keeping fit.

Emphasis on outdoor activities

Image Source: www.kkl-jnf.org



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