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7 Curious Facts about What Your Appearance Says About You

By Andrew Alpin, 25 April 2018


Research has proven that the science of reading faces or physiognomy is a clear indication of a human’s personality. However, there is much debate on the subject where some scientists feel it is fake. University College London professor Carmen Lefevre says that a person’s appearance is the direct cause of a mix of hormones, genes and lifestyle which is why it can provide a lot of facts about personality and nature. Here are 7 scientific studies that have proven how a person’s face can reveal a lot about personality and other things. How you smile or how you pose for a selfie also reveals a lot about you. So read on.

1 The facial shape


Believe it or not but University of Colorado Boulder professor Keith Welker proved something fantastic through a study on the soccer world cup 2010. He confirmed that the number of goals scored by a player could be indicated by the ratio between the height and width of a player’s face. 

soccer world cup 2010.

Image Source: dailymail.co.uk

How to calculate the facial ratio


While the average ratio is 2, men like Abraham Lincoln had a ratio of 1.93. To calculate the ratio, you have to measure the distance between the upper line of your eyes and upper lip. The measure the distance between your ears. Now calculate the ratio between these two figures that will show how high or low your chances of success. Scientists say that a lower ratio indicates a higher chance of success. 

How to calculate the facial ratio




2The prominent cheekbones


University College London scientists conducted a research which proved that men with high testosterone levels had thick cheekbones and broad faces. The testosterone levels had a direct impact on aggression, rebellion and dominance. They affirmed that women also subconsciously feel this.

Movie directors usually use such factors when choosing men for playing roles of an alpha male, rebels, villains or warriors. 

The prominent cheekbones



We all know that wrinkles are an indicator of age. But, they are also an indication of nature and character. Individuals have different ways of frowning, laughing, crying etc. There are different muscles that are used to create such functions like raising an eyebrow. Now when a person is prone to using a particular expression or facial emotion more often, wrinkles will appear more in that particular place of the face. Thus wrinkles can predict the prominently used emotions even when a person is calm and composed.


Image Source: www.homeremedyhacks.com


What wrinkles say about you?


If there are a lot of crow’s feet at corners of lips or eyes, it shows an optimistic side of your personality as it means the persons laughs a lot and is quite emotional. Creases on the forehead or between eyebrows indicate a serious personality who has gone through a lot in life. 

What wrinkles say about you

Image Source: sympa-sympa.com


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