It doesn’t really need to be said that the American Secret Service if of course Very Very secret! But have you ever wondered who are the secret service?? Are they a branch of the CIA or FBI?? The secret service is entrusted with many tasks the most important of which is guarding the President of the United States and his family. They are also in charge of security of visiting foreign dignitaries and the Vice-president too.
Looking behind the scenes, there are many fascinating facts about the secret service which obviously isn’t very secret or else you wouldn’t be reading this. Some of these facts are surprising too.
1The secret service was established by President Lincoln
Believe it or not, the secret service was established by President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, the very day he was shot by John Wilkes Booth. Presidential protection became part of the Agency’s job 36 years after that. At the time of its establishment, it was part of the US Treasury and was formed to combat counterfeiting of US currency I 1901. It is one of the oldest law enforcement agencies in the world. The first head of the secret service was William .P. Wood.

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2How many agents in the Secret service
The actual number of the secret service is much more than you think. There are almost 6500 agents in the secret service which excludes the many workers who also work for the protection unit.

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3They began protecting presidents in 1901
After the assassination of President William McKinley, The secret service was entrusted with the security of the Presidents of the USA. In 1902, they assumed full-time duties as Presidential protection but only two agents were assigned to the White House.

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4The Training
Secret service members have to undergo rigorous training that is reported to include throwing themselves in front of bullets and surviving in water. Every agent has to pass a development skills course every 8 weeks to keep up his fitness and intelligence levels.

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5They don’t only guard the president
The secret service is entrusted with the families of the president, his wife, former presidents and even families of former presidents. That’s pretty amazing and good to know that once a man leaves the president’s office, he is still safe.