Air Force one as you know is the official airplane of the President of the United States. It is also the office of the President while in transit. But!! It’s much more than you think because Air Force one is a cool mean beast in the air equipped with the most sophisticated technology of our times. Air Force one was made famous in Hollywood with the Harrison Ford movie by the same name but it’s much cooler than that. Air Force One isn’t just a physical plane but an entity in itself and there are many interesting stories and facts associated with it. There are some amazing anecdotes too along with the out of this world features that make up Air Force One. Some of the weird facts involved with Air Force one includes presidents and their habits aboard the plane like President Bill Clinton’s habit of playing Jazz during a flight and Gerald Ford who smuggled Coors beer from Colorado. Air Force one is also equipped with some great features that will put a five-star hotel to shame. It has two huge kitchens and a host of amenities so without further ado, take a look at 17 interesting facts about Air Force One.

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1 Air force one is a triple decker in the sky which cost $ 660 million
Yes!! Airplane is a triple decker plane stretched across 4,000 square feet of space. Unlike conventional seating, people including the president have plenty of leg room to stretch out their legs. The triple decker feature is because of the three levels of the plane. It cost the US $660 million to build and the Air force foots the bill in $140 million payments. It also cost $56 K an hour to operate.

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2 It can travel up to 650 Miles Per Hour
The plane can easily take on speeds up to 650 miles per hour but there many who say that Air Force one can easily chalk up to 700 miles per hour. However, that isn’t really the usual travelling speed of the plane which flies at an average of 580 miles per hour. When it flies faster, there are plenty of airsick bags in the kitchen for people to puke into.

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