Well, the name a Hitler on any title may not attract people because after all, he was a notorious character in recent history responsible for the genocide of millions. But, did you know behind that notorious façade are secrets that Hitler kept to himself which somehow have been leaked out and some of them will make him seem a real character if not a clown. Some of these facts are interesting enough to change your perspective of many things regarding the war too. Hitler was a mad tyrant anyways but without beating around the bush, here are 20 interesting facts about Hitler.
1 Hitler Loved To Fart
Not an exaggeration. His medical records revealed that he had a huge gas and flatulence problem and farted a lot. Maybe that’s why his weird looking grim ashen-faced look. He might have been embarrassed actually most of the time, not to mention the fact that he took 28 different drugs to control it.

Image Source: www.quora.com
2 His Name Wouldn’t Have Been Hitler
It would have been Adolf Shicklgruber. His father Alois was born out of wedlock to Maria Anna Schicklgruber. In 1877, only 12 years before Adolf was born, his father changed his name to Hitler.

Image Source: www.wikipedia.org
3 Believe It Or Not, He Had A Crush on A Jewish Girl When Young
As a young man, Hitler did have a crush on a Jewish girl named Stephanie Isaak.

Image Source: listeko.com
4 He Injected Himself with Bull Semen
Hitler was known to have taken injections formulated with semen extracted from the prostate and testicles of young Bulls. He did this to increase his libido.

Image Source: www.kathryngauci.com
5 He Had One Testicle
Hitler had just one testicle. To boost morale, Allied troops would often sing the common but immensely popular song which went …Hitler…he has only one ball….. !! That actually turned out to be true because when Hitler was arrested in 1923 after a failed revolt in a Munich Beerhall. The medical records recovered from that date proved that yes!! Hitler had only one BALL!!

Image Source: www.warhistoryonline.com
6 He Was Saved From Dying Twice and Escaped Attacks during the War
Hitler was attacked 43 times and he survived all of them. When he was four he was saved by a priest from drowning. When he was in the army during World War I, he was wounded and was found by a British soldier. The soldier spared his life But!! If that soldier had any inkling what he was to become, he would have certainly baynoted his backside.

Image Source: www.bbc.com
7 Believe it or not, he protected his Jewish family doctor
Eduard Bloch an Austrian Jewish doctor was the physician of Adolf Hitler’s family. It was said that he never charged the family who were facing hard times. When Nazi Germany annexed Austria, Bloch decided to emigrate to the US. Because of the circumstances faced by Jews, Bloch wrote to Hitler for help. As a result, Bloch was placed under Gestapo protection, the only Jew in Linz to be awarded the status till he emigrated with his family to the USA in 1940.

Image Source: www.wikipedia.org
8 He Had Knobby Knees and Forbade His Photographer from Photographing Them
There was a time when Hitler roamed around in lederhosen the traditional costume of Bavaria but after that, Hitler never really wanted to be known as a Bavarian but the leader of a Nazi Empire. He made sure he was always fully clothed. When his photographer Heinrich Hoffman unwittingly captured him in lederhosen and published the photos; Hitler was totally enraged and demanded the return of all the photographs.

Image Source: www.allriot.com
9 He Kept His Reading Glasses a Secret
Hitler regarded his use of reading glasses as a weakness which he never wanted to portray to those beneath him. As a result he kept them concealed which is why there are very few pictures of him wearing them. He had his speeches typed on a special typewriter with large print. Hitler’s eyeglasses were found along with his other possessions that were auctioned in 2011. The glasses fetched around 5,000 pounds.

Image Source: www.quora.com
10 His Nephew Fought In the British Army against Him
Among facts about Hitler, this is weird but true. William Patrick Stuart Houston Ne-Hitler was Adolf Hitler’s nephew and the son of Adolf Hitler’s brother Alois Hitler Jr. He immigrated to the USA in 1939 and served in the US Navy in World War II.

Image Source: www.americainwwii.com
11 The US Secret Service Devised a Plan to Feminize Hitler
The secret service devised plans to spike Hitler’s food with female hormones in hopes that it would make him more effeminate. The plot was to be carried out by British spies who were close enough to Hitler to infuse his food with estrogen. Needless to say, the plan failed.

Image Source: www.factslides.com
12 The Grandson of the Man Who Created Hitler’s Bunker Created the Bunker of another Dictator.
Saddam Hussein which was an uncanny coincidence. Seems this family always found themselves to be on the wrong side of history.

Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
13 Hitler Loved Chocolate and Planned To Kill Winston Churchill with a Bomb of Chocolate
Hitler ate almost 2 pounds of chocolate every day because he was a chocolate addict. In fact, he had contemplated a plan to kill Winston Churchill with a bomb made of chocolate. British spies got wind of it and informed the senior-most man in intelligence Lord Rothschild who typed a letter and sent it to a friend. The image below is the letter Rothschild wrote to Lawrence Fish who was asked to draw up posters of the exploding candy as warnings.

Image Source: www.pinterest.com
14 He Was a Drug Addict
Hitler’s physicians would always prescribe him several drugs. His main poison was Pervitin, the main ingredient of Crystal Meth. It became to be known as “the Hitler Speed”. He even issued orders to administer the drug to all frontline troops that would make them fight harder.

Image Source: www.bustle.com
15 He Loved Painting and Drawing
Hitler was an artist in his own right and had fantastic painting skills. However, he was rejected from art school twice and tried earning a living from painting before joining the Nazi party.

Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
16 Hitler Asked Many Countries Including Britain and The US To Take In Jews, They Refused!!
Before the Holocaust, Hitler tried sending Jews to other countries like Britain, the United States and non-Axis countries. The most notorious incident was when the German ocean liner St Louis carrying 937 Jewish Passengers was forced back from Miami to Nazi Germany and more than 1/4th perished in the holocaust. The FBI, government officials and President Roosevelt himself argued that they were a threat to the nation.

Image Source: www.vox.com
17 He Was Times Man of the Year In 1938
Well!! What do you know!! Imagine that!! He was also considered for the Nobel peace prize in the same year. Before condemning Hitler, shouldn’t we note the very large hint of hypocrisy with the rest of the world at the time??

Image Source: www.nydailynews.com
18 He Was Afraid Of Cats
So was Mussolini, Napolean, and Alexander the great. They were all afraid of cats.

Image Source: www.dailyrecord.co.uk
19 In 1913 He Lived Close By To Eminent Personalities
In 1913, Hitler, Trotsky, Stalin, Tito and Sigmund Freud lived close by to each other by a couple of miles in Vienna. Some of them were even regulars at the same coffeehouse.

Image Source: www.youtube.com
20 Hitler Was A High School Dropout
A well-known fact about Hitler is that he dropped out of school at the age of 16 to get into art school but was rejected.

Image Source: www.boldsky.com