Kids love to play in a swimming pool or in any other water body during the summer season and it is the duty of parents to be very alert when their children are in the pool. Despite the fact that the level of water is kept low in the pool, the kids may get injured by falling and there are also chances of drowning.
What’s more, parents need to be careful when kids are out of the pool and they cough continuously, vomit, have problems in breathing or sleep for unusually long time. These symptoms indicate that the child may be suffering from a disease which, if not treated on time, can take the kid’s life.
1What is the name of the disease?
The disease is known as “dry drowning”; before you interpret it wrongly, let us make it clear that it has got nothing to do with sand or heat. It is connected with water only; however, the symptoms are visible only after the kid is out of the swimming pool. In fact, sometimes it may take 24 hours for the symptoms to show up.

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2What happens in dry drowning?
In dry drowning or secondary drowning, the kid inhales pool, ocean or bath water which causes infection in the lungs. Parents should keep a watch on their kids if they are used to of playing in the pool and take them to doctor if they get to see the children having problem in breathing or they are constantly coughing.

3A mother is warning the whole world about dry drowning
Lacey Grace, mom of a 4-yr girl Elianna Grace, took to Facebook to warn everyone about dry drowning after her daughter suffered with it and had to be hospitalized. The accident took place on Saturday but it was on Monday only that the signs of dry drowning started showing up.

4What did actually happen?
On Saturday, Elianna was playing in her grandparents’ pool with a pool noodle. She was blowing from one end and the water was blown by the other side but just then someone blew from the other side and the girl inhaled some water. She threw it instantly and there was nothing to be worried. In fact, after 30 minutes of the incident, she was playing, eating and behaving normally and on Sunday too, she was fine.

5Symptoms seen on Monday
On Monday, Elianna got fever but Lacey did not take it seriously. The girl slept a lot on Tuesday but she looked fine on Wednesday and went to school. In the afternoon, the mother got a call from the school telling that Elianna’s fever, which dimmed down earlier, had increased.

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