Men too love grooming themselves just as women do in order to attract women. It is a regular affair for men today to look and feel good, to be desirable to the opposite sex as charming individuals instead of rough and unkempt. It would be curious to know what men in different countries prefer looking like as their concept of male beauty. Take a look at 13 countries with different ideals of male beauty.
The ideal man for any Turkish women should be one who is courageous and strong with a lyrical disposition. Actors in Turkey have a huge fan following among women and are considered the epitome of handsomeness. Of course, one should also be well groomed with a neat hairstyle and a bare chest if you want to please the ladies. Turkish women like men with ethnic looks and light eyes.

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The stereotype of a Brazilian man is dark hair, a great tan and brown eyes. But! Brazilian women love their men with fair curls and light eyes and if a man has such features, then he will definitely attract female attention. But this doesn’t mean the tanned Brazilian look will fall short, especially those with some good abs to show will definitely hook a woman.

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All you need to do is see a Bollywood movie to see what Indian men should look like according to their women. Fit and moderately muscular is the in look for the Indians. The potbellied hero is a thing of the past, today it’s about clean grooming, waxed chests and gel styled hair.

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It’s all about fairness
Small stubble isn’t ruled out and of course, the use of skin lightening creams as India surprisingly is obsessed with fairness which is why fairness cream sells a lot in India.

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In Sweden, it isn’t anymore the rough Viking types but the young brooding look with a slender physique. A stereotyped Swedish hunk will look tall, fair, blonde hair, blue eyes and sharp cheekbones.

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