9Whey They Go Shopping
Because she may be depressed, she has to purchase things or she feels she needs a new set of clothes but a man, he may never go shopping, he hates it or his wife forces him too. It could also be that his jeans are torn and he needs a new pair.

Image Source: steemit.com
10How They Buy A Car
She looks at the car, colour, appearance, technical characteristics but some women may care little for such things and go just by color. Men usually look at everything.

Image Source: brightside.me
11When They Need To Go The Supermarket
You don’t need to ask a woman to go to the supermarket; she will find many reasons that include house stores, clothes. A man needs to go to the supermarket simply because his kitchen or fridge is empty.

Image Source: www.pinterest.com
12Where They Get New Clothes
Surprisingly women get new clothes either from shopping or as gifts. Men will even look for freebies at conferences, from their partners and others too. They will not take the trouble of purchasing any.

Image Source: brightside.me