Ok!! Now here is something to laugh or wonder about. For all those who truly can’t stand Kim Jong Un, You’ll be pleased to know there are many controversial secrets being dug up and circulating on the net about North Korea’s little dictator. He is well regarded as one of the terrifying individuals on the planet simply because he has the potential to start world war III. His crazy power struggle with one of the world’s largest superpowers, The US, puts him and his country at risk of full-scale war and it sometimes seems that he is nothing but a child given to play with adult toys.
All said and done, little Kim seems to have many secrets up his sleeve and they are all fodder for some ripe juicy gossip related to his family. It seems that the righteousness portrayed by this man to his country isn’t what it seems so read on about the dark secrets of Kim Jong Un and his family. Many of these facts have been supplied to various news and intelligence bodies by South Korean intelligence and the former head of South Korean Intelligence Nam Sung Woo.
1According to the rules of his grandfather, he should be in jail
Almost true actually if you regard the rules of his grandfather who ruled North Korea at one time. Here is one of his quotes. "Factionalists or enemies of class, whoever they are; their seed must be eliminated through three generations." – Kim Il-sung (1972).
During his rule in the seventies, North Korea was considered one of the main culprits among others to practice political and ideological genocide that killed or imprisoned millions of people. In fact, it overlooked the very first UN treaty on Genocide enacted after WWII and to which it was assigned party. Coming to the point, Sung passed a state law that could imprison any citizen having ties to its enemy nation Japan. However, Japanese activist Ken Kato possessed revealing documents that showed how Little Kim’s other grandfather Ko Gyon Tek assisted Japan in WWII. If real, these incriminating documents mean that Jong Un should actually be in jail.

Image Source: www.pinimg.com
2His mother was actually a mistress
Looking back at Little Kim’s family history, it has been seen that his father the former and late dictator Kim Jong II had married twice, so he had two wives and also a couple of mistresses. Jong Un’s mother, Ko Yong Hui is officially on record as Jung II’s second wife. But!! Several people believe that she was a Japanese Belly dancer and was one of Jong II’s mistresses. So now you know what you can call little Kim each time he threatens the US.

Image Source: www.deadbees.net
3Little Kim Jong was considered violent from an early age
Not really surprising given the reason spate of events. His speeches and statements are enough to frighten world leaders bracing on the possibilities of war. His constant aggression towards the south is also an indicator of his violent nature that could erupt any moment. His father too was also well known in the international arena for his scare tactics however there is not much known about the relationship between the two. It was known, however, that Kim Jong Un was the favorite son of his father and the youngest too. Little Kim is a miniature version of Kim Jong II and it was reported that Jong Un was known for his violent temperament as a child.

Image Source: www.alarabiya.net