68 hours of sleep is not standard
This one is an international health myth drummed into our system for ages thanks to our families, teachers and sometimes even health practitioners that we all need at least 8-hour sleep or we are sleep deprived and pushed into the unhealthy realms of insomnia. But recent scientific studies have proven sleep requirements differ individually depending on factors like an individual’s age, health status, genetics and external circumstances. In fact it would be a shocker for all the old school believers that people who sleep from 6.5-7.5 hrs of good daily sleep experience higher level of happiness and productivity and have a higher life expectancy!
Image Source: ebaumsworld.com
7There is no relation between the number of nerve endings and size of the female breast
Well contrary to popular belief large female breasts do not necessarily have high nerve endings as compared to small breasts. In fact truth be told, smaller breasts have a high concentration of nerve endings making it more sensitive. Whereas women with big breasts have low sensitivity due to thick layer of fat which is called subcutaneous fat.
Image Source: ShareTu.com
8Male marsupials can kill themselves when mating
This is a sad fact but true, marsupial mice reach puberty by the age of 11 months, after which their sole aim is to mate as much as possible to transfer their genes. Sometimes the mating process lasts for 12-14 hrs (phew). That’s the reason probably they die before they can see their own offsprings, truly tragic!
Image Source: dcontent.brisbanetimes.com.au
9There is a huge amount of gold at the bottom of the ocean
Fairy tales with tons of treasures hidden in the deep ocean beds might not be completely a fib. Actually there are tones of gold and precious metals buried deep down in the ocean bed, thanks to the old mariners and ships, which carried these jewels and may have tragically capsized like the titanic sans the publicity and therefore, little is known about them.
Image Source: .bbci.co.uk
10Smoking was a remedy against bad breath
As counterintuitive it may sound in the modern world, but in the 16th century, European doctors actually prescribed smoking in order to banish bad breath. That’s not all, smoking was considered as a healing agent against migraine, toothaches, colic, and joint pains etc. of course later medical studies refuted vehemently the “good effects” of smoking when direct links were proven between smoking and high mortality rates and early deaths.
Image Source: www.artnet.com