13The Genes Are Possibly Making a Last Ditch Effort to Prevent Ultimate Death
Believe it or not, these genes are now continuously stimulating inflammation and trying to activate the immune system even making an effort to counteract the stress of the condition of death. The problem is that some of these genes are switched on during embryonic development.
Scientists wonder, if in this stage, is the body trying to actually revive itself and save itself from ultimate death by going back to an initial cellular stage.

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14Some Reactions At This Stage May Also Promote Cancer Growth But Why?
Why exactly would the body initiate cancer growth in such a stage where it tries to reanimate itself to life 2 days after death? It is still a mystery why a body promotes cancer growth in such a situation.
Genes in our body in attempting to reanimate to a cellular embryonic stage cannot differentiate between hundreds of cells in the body which may also be reanimated in the process and this includes cancer tumor afflicted cells too.
Food for thought (to be taken in stride): if such a condition was successful with disease afflicted cells also being reanimated, then, could this give rise to a zombie type of human?? Just wondering?

Image Source: www.silazdorovia.ru
15Is Our Understanding Of Death False? Is It Ethical To Pronounce A Body Dead?
Science with all of its grand evolution still makes doctors pronounce a body dead in spite of the knowledge that it is. Does this action stem from the fact that science hasn’t yet yielded a method to support the body in such conditions of reactivation and ultimately even as it attempts to do so, the disease within it will make sure of a final demise?
Shouldn’t doctors and scientists provide a physical atmosphere for every dying person to last out these conditions till finally declaring ultimate death??

Image Source: www.ibtimes.co.in
16What Does This Mean For Organ Donors?
Shouldn’t the medical fraternity take light of this condition in the wake of organ donation immediately after death? When conducting autopsies moments or hours after death, shouldn’t such considerations be taken into account when declaring people dead?

Image Source: www.geneticliteracyproject.org
17Only Time and Research Will Yield More Answers
Perhaps they may have their reasons and the all-important fact that they don’t really know what to do to help enhance such conditions. Only time and research will yield knowledge or technology to support such physiological conditions in relation to a brain living after death. There will come a time when perhaps people will be considered dead only when they bodies well and truly shut down.

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