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Did You Know Your Brain Lives On After Death? Here’s What Happens

By Andrew Alpin, 11 February 2018


5Your Muscles and Reflexes Fail Before Death


During this time when your body has shut down, your brain undergoes its last moments of life. Your brain cells are now slowly activating the thousands of chemical pathways between cells informing them that it is time to shutdown. This is so very much like a computer which has just received a command to shut down. In spite of the power plug switched off, it still remains charged for a few seconds as it transports information throughout the processor signaling to shut down completely.

In other words, your brain itself understands there is no more power to function (in this case oxygen) and thus it should die.

Muscles and Reflexes Fail Before Death

Image Source: www.gstatic.com

6 A Pump of Oxygen Could Make All the Difference


Standing between you and final death is one pump of oxygen. If your heart responds to the shock pads delivering a charge to restart your heart, then the brain picks up the signal and will continue to function. Thus if a medical attendant is successful enough to restart your heart through shock and CPR, then your brain receives enough oxygen to function and wake up.  If there is no oxygen, then your brain surrenders.

In such cases, wouldn’t it be safe to say that the stronger your brain, the longer it could last in the moments after death giving you a vital chance of surviving again? Now you know why good health is advocated by many?

pump of Oxygen

Image Source: www.amazonaws.com

7In Event of No Oxygen, Most of Your Brain Is Dead Except One Final Place That Won’t Surrender Easily


Even as your brain begins to shut down, there is one final location in our brain that clings on; it does not give up easily. These are your memories.

brain nerves

Image Source: www.news.mit.edu

8Your memory center won’t give up


This area of your brain that won’t give up easily is the center where you’ve stored the most important memories of your life. This region is not susceptible to blood loss in spite of how badly you may be injured.

blood loss in fight

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