8Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women
This phobia should not be confused with the rational intimidation of women or fear of rejection. In this condition, sufferers experience extreme fear and panic attacks along with total inability to socialize with or be near a beautiful woman. The reasons are mostly psychological and are due to negative association. For example, a man who has been brutally hurt and/or rejected by numerous beautiful women or a man who has a weak self-esteem is one who is more likely to develop this phobia with time. As hard as it can be, this phobia is treatable using self-confidence programs and exposure to beautiful women while trying to fight the fear symptoms.

9Aurophobia - Fear of Gold
While some people were rushing to California during the gold rush, some people must have been fleeing away. This is another weird and irrational phobia of a precious metal, known as aurum in Latin. Gold has long been cherished by wealthy men, women, and merchants. However, this is no laughing matter; patients with aurophobia really do experience severe symptoms at the sight of gold and follow a strict, no-contact policy. Most clinicians link this phobia, like almost any other phobia, with traumatic experience where gold seems to remind the sufferer of a painful situation or a long lost loved one.

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10Oneirophobia - Fear of dreams
Again, this phobia can be split into two types, those who fear the nightmares itself, and those who fear the meaning of dreams, especially if they were recurring, believing that they are signs or prophecies which are destined to happen. The treatment of the first type of oneirophobia is to treat the root cause of the nightmares itself, whether by limiting exposure to spooky stories or horror movies especially at night or by treating anxieties and bottled emotions that can cause nightmares. To treat the other subtype, the patient should have a strong will and willingly stop himself/herself from falling into the trap of believing everything that happens in their dreams.

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11Phobophobia - The fear of having a phobia!
To me, this is the weirdest and most interesting phobia. It sounds like inception. Psychology describes this condition as the fear of fear itself, being afraid of experiencing fear. Its psychology is quite complicated, but in simple words, this is by far the only phobia that does not require stimuli to trigger the panic symptoms. It exists most of the time if not all the time. Some sufferers can manage this phobia by trying not to think or dig deep about what they fear or whether or not they have something to fear.

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