9Chess originated in India
Yes, Chess originated in India around the 5th to 7th century BC and was known as Chaturanga or four divisions of an army namely chariots, Elephants, Cavalry and Infantry.

Image Source: headstreams.org
10India is home to the world’s biggest family
Yes, the world’s biggest family lives in the Northeastern state of Mizoram in a village called Baktwang. Ziona Chana has 39 wives, 94 kids and 14 daughters in law and 33 grandchildren.

Image Source: dailymail.co.uk
11Children’s day
Get this!! Children’s day in India is celebrated on November 14, exactly 9 months after Valentines Day on February 14th. And! In case you didn’t know, in most major cities, the effects of globalization, commercialization has made people more aware of western concepts where Valentine’s Day is also celebrated in India.

Image Source: .jagran.com
12In India, Policemen are paid for the upkeep of a moustache
Among amazing facts about India, The Indian psyche is most probably woven into the size of a man’s moustache. In ancient times, it was considered a macho and manly feature to sport a moustache like a Harley’s handlebars. Policemen in India are paid for their moustaches. This practice if followed in the state of Madhya Pradesh where it is believed that with handlebar moustaches, they look more imposing.

Image Source: brightside.me