Home / Facts / 16 Amazing Facts About The ‘Illuminati’ Which Their Members Want To Conceal

16 Amazing Facts About The ‘Illuminati’ Which Their Members Want To Conceal

By Ashish Ranjan, 13 December 2017


9. The group Illuminati is supposed to be behind the Assassination Of JFK, the Battle Of Waterloo And The French Revolution


It is also believed that many big historical events have been masterminded by Illuminati members. The Assassination Of JFK, the Battle Of Waterloo And The French Revolution are some of the historical events which are believed to be masterminded by Illuminati members.

The group Illuminati is supposed to be behind the Assassination Of JFK, the Battle Of Waterloo And The French Revolution

Image Source: www.pilotguides.com

10. The "New World Order" Theory has no truth whatsoever


It is being claimed that the "New World Order" and Illuminati go hand in hand but in reality, these two entities are mutually exclusive. It is a fact that Illuminati existed since the 1770s but the "New World Order" is a phenomenon introduced in early 20th century.

The New World Order Theory has no truth whatsoever

Image Source: www.billboard.com

11. It is said that the US is being run by Illuminati because the declaration of independence was signed months after group’s formation


People often believe that US government is being run by Illuminati and it is based on the fact that the declaration of independence was signed months after group’s formation. The Illuminati secret society was formed in 1776 and just two months later the Declaration of Independence was adopted.

It is said that US is being run by Illuminati because the declaration of independence was signed months after group’s formation

Image Source: whatculture.com

12. The Freemasons and the Illuminati are different organizations


People often think that The Freemasons and the Illuminati are same organizations. The Freemasons was established in 14th century whereas Illuminati was formed in 1776.

The Freemasons and the Illuminati are different organizations

Image Source: thetruthaboutshakespeare.com

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