Most of the young kid fantasize for the time to become completely grown up. They are always under the impression that becoming adult would be a great experience for them. The always look to the adults with a sense of awe. But, as soon as they become adult, these fantasies fizzles out. The main reason behind that is with adulthood, there also comes a lot of responsibilities. They come to know that life is hard as it was not with them during the childhood. They usually discover that life is tough when they enter adulthood.
A lady with the name Lauren Chanel Allen tweeted, “what’s an adult problem nobody prepared you for?” And, there were a lot of reactions on the Twitter. It looked like she had just touched the chord of people. People in huge numbers started sharing their problems. The tweets were hilarious, insightful and relatable. Here is the list of tweets from the people.
1Comparison with parents
This user certainly did not like comparison with her parents. She thinks that their parents would also have gone through the same kind of problems when they were young.

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2Agony of buying stuffs
This user was so fed up with buying stuffs that he actually tweeted in response to the Lauren’s tweet. He said that fruits and vegetable actually expire faster when he is the one buying the stuffs.

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3Time pass by very fast
This user is truly amazed on the way time has passed so fast over the years. He basically wants to say that he attained adulthood very fast. It has come to them in a very fast manner.

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4It is soul-crushing to go for work
This user is remembering his good childhood days and also remembers the time when he used to see his parents going for job early in the morning. He thinks that it is soul-crushing to leave home for a job. He remembers that he always saw his parents dressed when he used to come downstairs.

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5Difficult to maintain friendship
The user said that when you grow adult, it is always difficult to maintain the friendship. It is difficult because of the disparity in income, lifestyles and schedules.

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6Bills cause a lot of problem
This user expressed that it is always difficult to get hold of all the money that you earn when you are adult. One of the main difficulties in adulthood is saving money. This problem is caused by a lot of bills that people need to pay once they are on their own.

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7Loneliness kills
One of the bigger problems when you grow up is facing the loneliness. Even if you have many great friends, you get to spend very less time together as everyone is busy. This user is saying exactly this.

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8Less vacations
This user is saying that once people grow up and start doing jobs, they have very less time to go for vacations. People are only able to go on 1-2 weeks’ vacation out of 52 weeks a year.

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9Conflicts of life
There are a lot of conflicts people have to encounter once they grow up. This user is saying that he felt conflicted when they are doing better than most of the other people and they still get a feeling that they are actually struggling.

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10What to make for dinner
This user had responded in a light manner. She said that the biggest problem once you grow up is trying to figure out what to make for dinner every night.

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11Paucity of time
This user is saying that the biggest problem one face after growing up is that nobody is having time for relationships. He said that once their friends are having kids, they have very little time for friendship.

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12Change in eating habits
This user said that once people grow up, their eating habits change. They start preferring nutritious foods over the tasty foods. He said that adulthood has forced him to eat leaves at lunch.

13Romance also require stability in life
This user said that there is so much that is required once you grow up. You also need to have work and active maintenance to make romantic relationships work. This was an eye-opener for her.