Scientists are yet to explain the meaning of dreams and why we dream. Of course, there is the usual explanation of your brain being a processor trying to get rid of the load of cluttered rubbish in your brain. Scientifically speaking, your subconscious brain doesn’t really have a concept of time which is why you dream of sequences not related to the past or the present tense. That’s why dreams seem so jumbled up and symbolic of a Dali painting. But getting back to the main topic, what do dream mean. There are several experts who have decoded dreams and explained their meanings. Here are 7 common dreams explained by the dream experts to provide some great insight into your eerie dreams.
1 Your teeth are falling out
Don’t you just hate dreaming of your teeth falling out? It starts with a typical shaking of one tooth and then it’s either one or all your teeth crumbling and falling out of your mouth. Losing teeth has nothing to do with warnings of bad oral hygiene. It indicates hidden and suppressed anger and rage. When we suppress our anger, we tend to grind our teeth says Dr. Patricia Garfield, author of Creative Dreaming. The dream is warning you about your anger..

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