Everyone loves watching a good photo album and when the album happens to belong to National Geographic, then that’s sure to make someone sit up and take notice. National Geographic today is somewhat an American Icon in the field of media and education. In the past we all eagerly awaited your copies of NG but somehow among all those awesome photos, some did not make it to any publication. In 2013, project found was established to honor National Geographic 125th anniversary where photos were shared with a new audience. Take a look at 15 National Geographic unpublished photos.
1 March, 1909
This is a photo of a young Kenyan holding her pet deer in Mombasa. The quality of the photo a well as its creativity suggests that this could have easily made it to one of its many covers instead.

Image Source: www.doublemesh.com
2 November 1967
One wonders how the photographer must have felt when shooting this photo. A whole herd of bosons charging towards you may make you mess your pants. But on the other hand, this American bison charge in Yellowstone is a fantastic photo and seems to have been shot from above.

Image Source: www.twimg.com
3 May 1963
This photograph of hikers standing a top a natural rock on Mt Rainier in the Pacific Northwest appears almost magical because of the mountain enshrouded in mist.

Image Source: www.awesomeinventions.com