Watermelon is a refreshing and tasty fruit that can be eaten in many ways. But is it good for you? What does eating watermelons do for your body and health? Since some fruits have so much sugar, it makes you wonder if you even should be eating them, especially if you’re a health-conscious person. But does watermelon count as one such fruit? Let’s look at some watermelon facts before you eat another one.
1 Watermelon counts as one of your daily veggie intakes
There is a lively debate about whether watermelon is a fruit or vegetable. Botanically speaking, watermelon is a fruit in the same way that a tomato is a fruit: the seeds grow in the ovary of the flowering plant instead of the roots or leaves. From scientific watermelon facts- it is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, which is made up of plants that make gourd vegetables like cucumbers and pumpkins.

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2 The rind or white-fleshy part of the watermelon is also high in nutrients
Most people only eat the red part of the watermelon and throw away the rest. But it turns out that the whole fruit is healthy. According to reports from Live Science, you can eat every part of a watermelon, even the rind. The white flesh near the peel has more citrulline, an amino acid that isn’t essential but is becoming more popular in health and wellness circles. This nutrient helps blood flow and makes the heart healthier. Now you can talk about these watermelon facts and spread the knowledge.

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3 Watermelons can sometimes be yellow or orange on the inside
There are a lot of different types of watermelons, and not all of them have red flesh. Several don’t have the antioxidant lycopene, which is what makes watermelon red. They are instead full of beta-carotene, which gives them a bright yellow or slightly orange color. Unfortunately, you can’t tell from the outside because almost all watermelons have green rinds with stripes.

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4 It can be a better sports drink
The fact that watermelon is mostly water (92%) makes it a great alternative to plain water, and it’s not as acidic as many citrus-flavored sports drinks. Drinking watermelon juice won’t give you acid reflux or hurt your stomach in other ways, which is why it could be an excellent post-workout drink. It has B vitamins to provide you with more energy and potassium and other electrolytes to replace the nutrients you lose when you sweat.

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